Tuesday, July 18, 2006

coming together

Framing is very exciting - and roof framing is like a final frontier. You can see the entire house - in skeleton form. The builders are doing a great job and really thinking through every connection to make the house beautiful and well constructed. I appreciate their care.

The sun rises to the right of the house so its hard to get great pictures - but you can see the full roof in these shots and hopefully start to envision the finished house. They expect to close it in within two weeks and start working the interior as well as exterior in parallel. That means they need to do the garage, turret and plywood in the next two weeks. Plus the electricians and plumbers are starting their work. It will be great to have new plumbing throughout (under) the house - perhaps we'll get water pressure and faster hot water. Who knows.

I also started talking wtih a color consultant about the walls because we'd like the house to reflect our personalities - bold and perhaps a little eclectic. I also think I found flooring for the kids playroom - Fiberfloor. It's highly recommended but I want to see it in person. Exciting news was that our stove - the Aga Legacy 36" - is now available in Cobalt Blue - the accent color of the whole kitchen. I think it will be gorgeous. I may have to return to cooking. Wouldn't that be wild. I wonder if it will inspire Neal to cook again too. Our boys like to cook - perhaps it will become a weekend activity for our family. Fun.


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