Saturday, September 16, 2006

Wrapping the house and drywall

The last week has been when the team is shrouding the house in waterproofing, closing in the roofline, adding flashing and hopefully getting more of the roof on the house. It's pretty dramatic to see it scaffolded although the most dramatic thing I saw was that yesterday the team was drywalling inside the house and was perched across internal scaffolding as they mounted drywall on the roof of the dormer - about 30 feet in the air. Three guys to hold steady while one nails down the drywall - or up as the case may be. All the vaulting which we really like certainly will make finishing a perilous activity.

So the house is almost fully "wrapped".

It's hard to see - but this is the ceiling over the bed area of the master bedroom with our large exposed beam.

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